Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Golfing at Orange Tree (Tuesday, November 5th, 2019)

Today is our second day of golfing in Scottsdale.  Yesterday was super fun, so we're looking forward to seeing what today has in store for us.  First impression...this place is beautiful!

This is the coolest cactus I have ever seen!  I think I need one!

Oh yeah, and after taking in all of the views, we even played a little golf.

This was a really long, beautiful course, and my opinion after the last two days is that Scottsdale really likes lots of sand traps.  I think I visited everyone one of them personally, but the good news is... I'm finally learning how to get out of them : ).  Such a fun weekend!  We'll have to do this again! Thanks Sam and Sharyn for all the planning and bringing us along!!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun. I tried calling on Steve's birthday but I must have an old number. Happy Birthday, albeit a few days late. Steve Webb 303-915-9501
