Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Dupont, WA Visit (Sunday, November 17, 2019)

Our son (in-law) is deployed again, and one of our favorite things to do during a deployment is to spoil our daughter if at all possible.  So we have been up in Dupont, WA visiting her for the last four days.  The time always goes by way too fast, but we still cherish every minute we get with any of our kids.

After landing at SEA-TAC, we enjoyed a wonderful Thai meal at a nearby restaurant.

We told our daughter when we arrived that we didn't want to play tourist this time, we just wanted to help her out with anything at all that she might need some help with while we were there, and mostly just spend some quality time catching up on life, but with one little catch.  

There is one thing that we have really wanted to do since they moved to Dupont, and that it to hike from their house to the Sound.  There is a trailing right our their front door that leads to the sound and takes about 2 hours round trip if you stop to enjoy the sights once you are there.  

So our first day, while our daughter worked, we headed out on the Sequalitchew Trail to see if we could find it.  The views all along the way are absolutely gorgeous, especially since we are coming from the desert where there isn't much green anywhere.  Fall is certainly in the air, but it was such a gorgeous day!

The trail was dirt part of the way, and paved part of the way, with leaves so thick and soft.  At the end of the trail, we crossed under a tunnel that lead through the mountain, and came out on the other side at the Puget Sound, directly across from Anderson Island.

The Sound was so still and peaceful.  The only noise around us was the very slight lapping of the waves.  They don't crash here like they do on the ocean.  They just lap up to the shore very quietly.  As we watched, a couple of seals swam by, very quietly in the distance.

On our return trip, we continued to just take in the sights.  The moss and leaves made the forest seem almost magical.  I really love this part of the United States!

We came across a little squirrel eating a mushroom.

When it got nervous and ran, it still had part of the mushroom hanging on it's ear.

Our view of Mount Rainier as we finished up our walk.

We enjoyed time with our grand kitties, Lucy and Albert.

And of course, couldn't resist a salad and clam chowder at Topside in Steilacoom, WA.  The add a drizzle of cream sherry to their chowder before serving it, and that is a game changer.

We enjoyed beautiful weather the entire time we were here, once again.  I can't believe that we have been so lucky every time!  We just don't get clouds like this in the desert!

We did a little cleaning, and a few minor projects around the house while we were there, and last but not least, we transformed her house from fall to Christmas in an afternoon.  

Being a military wife, or deployed spouse is never easy, so we do our best to make their time of separation go just a little bit smoother.  Hopefully we left her with a smile on her face!  That was our whole goal!

We can't wait until our son (in-law) is back home safe and sound, and think daily about everyone who is deployed to keep our nation safe.  We thank them and their families for their service!

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