Monday, April 1, 2019

The Perfect Lunch Spot! (Sunday, March 31st, 2019)

Today we went in search of the golden hills we saw yesterday, and here they are!  This was our perfect lunch spot, among millions of golden poppies!

This place was so magical.  I had no idea that California Poppies grew wild in Arizona!

Down by our parking spot, there was an old abandoned ranch, so we took the time to look around and enjoy the views.  The desert is so green this spring!

Even the mistletoe is in bloom.  It's pretty crazy looking!



Seeing the poppies on the hillside was definitely the highlight of my day, but there was also incredible beauty in the valleys and washes too.  

The purple in the desert this time of year is the scorpion weed.  It looks like a scorpion and stings like one too.  We also see these weeds all over town.  

These flowers are about the size of a dime, and so intricate!

Our desert ride certainly met our expectations.  It won't look like this for many more years.

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