Monday, April 1, 2019

Desert Wild Flowers (Saturday, March 30th, 2019)

We're out camping with our friends Tim and Cheryl this weekend, and our entire goal is to find desert wild flowers.  We have endured an extremely wet winter, and now we are ready to enjoy what spring has in store for us.  Steve and I got here before Tim and Cheryl, so we went out on our own for a quick little ride.

The desert has the most interesting and beautiful things if you just slow down and look for them.

In the foreground, you can see some orange vines mixed in with the purple flowers.  When you take a closer look, they are really crazy looking.

Another crazy flower.  They look like caterpillars.

When we got up this morning, camp was all set up so we got ready for our first ride together.

The first thing we found was the Havasu Gold Seeker's Base Camp.  We went into the community Center and talked to some of the club members.  They are true modern day gold seekers with a large piece of property out here in the middle of nowhere.  They have about 100 camp sights, with a well for water and septic, although there aren't hookup at each sight.  And they have to rely on generators and solar because they are off the grid.

They have a field of incredible wild flowers behind their community center.

They also have a great outdoor grill for their club gatherings.

From the camp, we could see these spots of gold on the hillside, so we thought after we left the camp we would try to get a closer look.

This was our lunch spot.  We took time to eat and take in the sights.

We would still like to get even closer to these hills.  Maybe tomorrow.

Cactus bloom in the most interesting ways.

When we got back to camp we just relaxed until dinner time.  Just us girls having a little fun.

The boys did a little kite flying in their free time.

 It was a really fun day with lots of beautiful flowers, but tomorrow I really want to get closer to those golden hills.

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