Sunday, April 28, 2019

Searchlight RZR Ride (Saturday, April 27th, 2019)

The temps in Havasu are soaring, we were at 104 F yesterday, and it's expected to be close to that again today, so we headed to higher ground in Searchlight for a RZR ride.  Our friend Keith is really good at putting together really interesting rides, and we know that today will be no exception.

Our first stop was this old abandoned mine.

And then another abandoned mine and camp.  These are always so interesting to look at, but you have to be careful of some of the old mine shafts.  They can be hundreds of feet deep, straight down.  The authorities are good about fencing them off, but we still like to watch our step.

Then we headed through the mountains to Lake Mohave.

We had a nice lunch at the lake, but it was hot, so even though we were fully clothed, Sharyn and I decided to just go in.  Boots and all.

Everybody thought we were crazy, and made a little fun of us, but we didn't mind.  We were having fun!  

John always has to do a little extra curricular rock climbing.  This wasn't part of our ride.

After lunch we stopped at this old mine and "ghost town" called Techatticup.  It was established in 1861.  A family still owns it and lives here, but the mine is no longer active.  They have a nice little air conditioned shop where we bought some nice cold drinks.

The largest and most productive mine in Nevada is on their land.  It is no longer in production, but a lot of the old equipment is still around.

Anyone need a new camper?

What an interesting place Techatticup is!

Our final stop of the day was an amazing rock canyon with petroglyphs and a dry water fall.

Today was a truly amazing day, with good friends, great views and cool beautiful water.  This is the kind of ride I really love!  There is so much to see out in our beautiful desert, you just have to take the time to look around.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, that was one of your better rides. Way more of interest!
