Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Moving into Her Big Girl House (Wednesday, August 8th, 2018)

Our youngest daughter's new apartment is ready for her today, so we were waiting at the gate when they opened.  Steve and his dad took the newly repacked trailer of treasures with them and headed straight to the apartment, and I took Steve's mom and headed downtown to pick up our son (in-law) who just happened to be in town and offered to help us with the move.  When we all got there, we picked up her keys at the office and headed over to the apartment to get started.  Our daughter had to work today, but said she would get off as early as possible.

It is a beautiful apartment, and we were excited to get started.

But of course, it has to get worse before it can get better.

Our daughter made it home in time for a late lunch, which was great, and her room-mates parents and sister were there as well.  I had made a pot of green chili the night before, so we all enjoyed it where ever we could find a spot to sit.

And before long, it was coming together nicely.

Steve's parents left a little early and headed home.  The rest of us finished with the finishing touches and then headed to a fun dinner together at La Fogata.

We are so excited for our daughter!  She has the perfect room-mate, in the perfect location, in the perfect apartment, with the perfect room.  We know that she will be very happy here and are excited for her to start her future in this great place.

Tomorrow morning we will repack the trailer with all of the leftover treasures that we need to take back to Havasu with us, and will head out on our journey home.

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