Monday, August 6, 2018

Dinner at Pasta Jay's (Sunday, August 5th, 2018)

When we got home from the cabin, we realized that we just might have time to go to dinner.  Our daughter has been working late every night since we got here, and we have been busy with all that we need to get done.  This would be our first real downtime with our daughter since we got to Denver, and we weren't going to let this slip away!  

Pasta Jays is an old family favorite restaurant in Boulder, CO.  And it was the first thing that came to mind when we asked our daughter where she wanted to go for dinner.

The purpose of tonight was to just sit, eat, drink, talk and enjoy, so I have very few pictures and am happy about that!

Life is busy, and any chance we get to spend some quality time with this girl is like a dream come true.  She is having a great summer, and just really taking time to enjoy life right now, and that makes us very happy!  She is happy in her work life and her personal life, and that is all that we can hope for as her parents.  We are so proud of who she has become!

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