Monday, August 6, 2018

Milk Market Denver (Saturday, August 3, 2018)

Steve and his parents headed to the cabin this morning to get a head start on a stair rebuild project they are working on.  Our youngest daughter and I stayed behind to enjoy a girls day.  She suggested that we do lunch at a new restaurant downtown called Milk Market.  

It is like an upscale food court, offering all kinds of different food, but all of the restaurants are owned by the same chef.  And the food is much better than you would get in an ordinary food court.

We chose to share a poke bowl and an udon curry bowl from two different restaurants.

Then we bought an ice cream and went outside for a stroll.

Even the outdoor space is owned by Milk Market, so food and drinks can be enjoyed outside as well as inside.  We had a fabulous lunch and walk before heading up to the cabin to meet up with Steve and his parents.

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