Monday, August 6, 2018

Cabin Fun Time (Sunday, August 5th, 2018)

When our part of the stair repair was complete at the cabin, we still had a few hours to enjoy, so our daughter and I took Steve's mom or a walk to Apache Lake.

The land back behind the lake  has recently been broken up into large parcels, and the first of the cabins on one of those parcels is now under construction.

We hope that the view behind our cabin never gets ruined by the parceling out of the land, but only time will tell.

After our walk, we went back to the cabin for some finishing touch ups of the paint, and were rudely interrupted by a huge thunder storm.  but once it settled down, we went our for a little afternoon fun, and this time Steve and his dad were finally able to join us.

Our daughter's favorite pass time is crawdad fishing so we went to the lake to see if anything was biting.

And sure enough, they were!  We caught a record number of crawdads in a record amount of time!

The stairs are all done, and we even had time for some fun before we had to head home from the cabin.  We would have loved to stay longer, but we had to get the girl back home for work tomorrow.

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