Monday, September 18, 2017

Gardening Update (Monday, September 18th, 2017)

It has been 7 days since I planted my self watering pot.  There is water in the bottom of it, but other than that I haven't watered it at all.  It is just wicking the water from the bottom of the pot up into the soil.

According to my moisture meter, the moisture in the soil is perfect about 2 inches down.  The further I put the moisture meter in the soil, the more moist it gets. I'm so excited to see that this is working!  I'll watch it a little longer before I make more self watering pots, but it is certainly looking promising.  

I planted a few Thai basil seeds in this same pot on Saturday, so we'll see if they come up.  We watered it again today through the watering hole.  It took 3/4 of a gallon to refill the reservoir.

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