Monday, September 18, 2017

Sodding the Golf Course (Wednesday, September 13th, 2017)

The golf course has been re-sodding most of the tee boxes and around the bunkers this summer, so they put out a request for volunteers for the projects.  Steve and I enjoy that kind of work and thought it would be a good opportunity to meet some new people. So on Wednesday we showed up at the golf course at 5:00 a.m. as requested.  Our job was to lay sod around three bunkers on the 18th hole of the west course.  The men did all of the heavy lifting, carrying the sod from the pallets to where they needed it to be laid. I cleaned the edges of the bunkers where the sod would fit in, and helped place the sod once it was carried over.  

Once we got the detailed work done about 6 feet around the bunkers, they would bring in the big sod rolls to finish the job.

They are using a different type of sod around the bunkers , so it should give the golf course a very dramatic effect when it is all done.

We really enjoyed our sodding experience, but stay tuned, it didn't end there....

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