Saturday, September 9, 2017

Flash Floods and Hurricanes (Saturday, September 9th, 2017)

I think it's funny that I chose to write about fall yesterday, because today it is here.  It has been overcast and rainy all day, and we are just loving it! The temperature today is only in the low 80's and there is a light breeze, making it absolutely perfect!  

The funny thing about Arizona, though, is that there are no gutters or down spouts on the houses.  The rain just runs off the tile roofs and makes a splashy mess everywhere.  

This particular waterfall is right in front of our front door.  There is about a 5' x 5' covered porch that shelters our front door, but the rain falls off the roof so hard that it splashes right inside the house if the front door is open.  

The ground is so hard here that it doesn't absorb the rainfall. We just have to let it run off, or soak in very slowly. Our back yard is filling up quickly, but it will run off before it reaches the house.

While we were eating lunch, we both got an emergency alert on our phones for flash floods in the area.  Luckily, we are all snugged in at home, and we don't have to worry about it.  

Even in this big rainstorm we are still enjoying the ease of our outdoor kitchen.  

This little storm we are having here in Havasu brings our thoughts to everyone in Houston, where hurricane Harvey just went through last week, and the small Caribbean islands that have just felt the wrath of hurricane Irma. Florida is still bracing itself for Irma.  Our prayers go out to everyone in the paths of these horribly destructive storms.  

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