Monday, April 17, 2017

Vietnamese Coffee (Thursday, April 13th, 2017)

Why is it that every country in the world makes great coffee, except for the U.S.  (We have finally caught on with our fancy coffee shops).

When we were in Vietnam, we loved the coffee enough that we bought ourselves two Vietnamese coffee makers.  However, we have been so busy with the move and getting settled in that we haven't had time to use them yet. So we finally pulled them out and made some Vietnamese coffee.  

It is a very slow process, so once you make the coffee, you have to take the time to really enjoy it.

Place the metal container on top of your cup. Put about two tablespoons of coffee grounds go into the small metal containers, and tamp them down lightly with a small disk with a light twisting motion, leaving the disk on top of the grounds. Then you add enough water to moisten the grounds.  Once the grounds have absorbed the water, you add more water, to about 1/4 inch below the top of the metal canister.  If you've done it correctly, the water will drip through the grates on the bottom of the metal container at a rate of about 1 drop per second.  

This is where the anticipation comes in.  It takes awhile for the coffee to brew in this slow, torturous manner.

When it's finally done, you add a little sweetened condensed milk, and you have what I fondly refer to as heaven in a cup!

It is definitely worth the wait!

We must have liked it!  

So good!

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