Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Friends Come to Visit (Thursday, April 20th, 2017)

One of the great things about living in a vacation town is that people love to come visit.  Our friends John and Myrna came in for a few days and we did our best to show them the highlights of the town.  Of course, the London Bridge and the channel are the biggest attractions.

Steve made fun of me for the next picture.  He said "With all of the beautiful boats that are on the channel this time of year, you had to take their picture in front of the aluminum fishing boat?".  Quite honestly, I was looking further down the channel and saw lots of pretty boats!  I just managed to miss the one that was right under my nose.

We also took them for several RZR rides around town and out in the desert.  I think John enjoyed that the most!

The weather was perfect the entire time they were here, and we spent most of our evenings just hanging out on our back porch.  We would sit outside from around 5:00 to 11:00 each evening and just enjoy how perfect it was.  Although they ended up working a lot while they were here, we hope they had as much fun as we did.

Now that it is warming up, we are starting to see more gnats and flies in the evenings, but they aren't bad, and of course, still no mosquitoes so being outside was really pleasant!

We have been down here for two months now.  February 15th through April 20th, and we haven't had to run heat or air conditioning yet.......not even once! That's pretty perfect weather!

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