Thursday, October 13, 2016

World Jet Ski Finals (Tuesday, October 4th, 2016)

We enjoyed the World Jet Ski Finals so much last year that we decided to go check them out again. The event goes on for more then a week. We didn't see any freestyle this year, but really enjoyed all of the different races we saw today.

We were talking with one of the race directors who told us more than 30 countries were being represented at this year's finals.  We tried to listen as they introduced the riders at today's races.  We heard racers being introduced from Canada, Thailand, England, Serbia, Peru, Argentina, Kuwait, Bolivia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Russia, Dubai, Belgium, Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria and of course the good old USA. Many states within the USA were also represented by riders.  

It is hard for us to imagine the planning, costs and effort it must take to get, not only the riders, but all their equipment and support staff to Lake Havasu City!  So again, this event is a really big deal and all the best teams and riders in the world are here!

Part of team Argentina
Team Kuwait cheering on their rider

Look at this racer going around one of the buoys.  Amazing!

After the races, we went down to the pits, and had to take a picture of this trailer for team Kuwait.  First of all, how did they get it here, and secondly, Wow!

As we were leaving Crazy Horse, where the World Jet Ski Finals are held each year, we saw this guy crossing the road.  I didn't wait around to see if it was poisonous or not.

When the races were over, we decided that we weren't ready to go home yet.  So we stayed on the island and went to see what was happening at the channel.  

We just got situated, and here came a bunch of the racers, riding through the channel.  They were heading to an area called Body Beach, where there is a jet ski course set-up on the lake all the time. I can't imagine racing all day, and they heading to the jet ski course when I was done.  They must REALLY like what they do!

We just chilled in the channel for awhile and talked to some of the people who were out enjoying the day.

And after about an hour, the races came back through.  They must have finally gotten enough riding in!

We had a fun day watching some really good racing, and relaxing in the sun in this place we call paradise!

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