Thursday, October 13, 2016

California and Burros (Saturday, October 1st, 2016)

We took the day off from boating today, and headed down to the Parker strip.  We had a BLT sandwich and salad at Road Runner's before heading across the Parker Dam into California.  Just on the other side of the Parker Dam, there is a really nice overlook, where you can look down the Colorado River at all of the houses and boats.

A lot of boats will pull up close to the dam, and turn off their engines and just float.  It is really interesting if you watch them for a few minutes.  They will usually get into the same current, and pretty soon they are all lined up, following each other down the river.

We headed to California today because I really wanted to see some of the wild burros that we have heard are plentiful on the California side of the river.  And as we hit the main road, there was a sign that said "Wild Burros on Road".  So that got me excited, and I was sure that we were going to see some of the wild burros that we had heard about. 

Just a few minutes into our drive, we spotted this burro standing by the road.

So I rolled down my window to take a picture of it, and before I could get my camera up, he was literally climbing into the car with us.  We both started laughing, and Steve said "The only thing wild about these burros is that they don't have an owner".  And he was right.  They aren't even slightly shy!

But we decided to keep looking anyway, even though we now knew that these burros are very tame.  The next two we ran into were hiding in the shade of the truck shed at the dam facility.  They too came to see me when I got out to take a picture of them.

And all of the others were just hanging out at an RV park, eating the nice green grass in the shade of the trees.

This little guy had a bad itch
Then he got distracted and just started eating the tree that he was scratching on before

Most of them came running to see us as well!  Our day of burro hunting didn't turn our quite the way we planned, but we did see a lot of burros, and they were much closer up than we ever anticipated!

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