Thursday, March 24, 2016

Spring in Colorado (Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016)

Spring break in Colorado would normally consist of an exotic trip to Vail or Copper Mountain for skiing or maybe someplace warmer, but for our youngest daughter this year it consisted of hanging low, dog sitting, studying and just recharging her battery for the next six weeks. Nothing too exciting. but very fun!  

While she was home, we celebrated our oldest daughter's birthday. We had Steve's parents join us at a Mexican restaurant and then went back to their house for some chocolate covered strawberries that our youngest daughter and I had made for dessert. The perfect gluten free treat for all of us to enjoy, complete with a birthday candle.

Unfortunately for our youngest daughter, spring break in Colorado has really not felt like spring at all.  When we woke up last Thursday morning, our neighborhood had turned into a winter wonderland. 

This was the first snow since Steve's retirement that we didn't have anywhere we had to be, so we made an extra big pot of coffee, opened the blinds and sat enjoyed our coffee in the warmth of our family room.  We would have enjoyed it out on the deck, with the beautiful snowy mountain views, but although it was pretty, it cooled our coffee off too fast.

Our oldest daughter had to go to work on this snowy morning, so she headed out early. She said there were accidents everywhere and she even had to get out and push another car, but after two and a quarter hours, she made it the 32 miles to her office. She wasn't happy, but that's a snow day for you. It continued to snow all day but by afternoon it was warming up nicely so the snow was melting off as quickly as it was falling. That's the beauty of Colorado...although we get snow, it doesn't usually hang around for long.

A view of the Flat Irons after the snow

A view of the Front Range after the snow
And this snow was no exception.  By the next day, it had already started to melt, and it looked like spring was once again on its way!

By the end of last week, we had 70 degree temperatures, and had a chance to get a little yard work done, But don't be fooled!  Today we are back to our winter wonder land of a week ago.  Oh the difference a day can make!  This is a super heavy spring snow that is hard to shovel, and breaks tree limbs if you don't shake the snow off of them.  So if you don't get snow where you live, sit back and enjoy these pictures.  Personally, I hope my next pictures are from somewhere a little warmer.

He looks cold, doesn't he?

My poor trees, this snow is so heavy!

That's all for now.  I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of spring in Colorado!

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