Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Quick Stop in Mesa (Tuesday, February 24th, 2016)

While we were in Havasu, we decided that it would be great to stop in Mesa, AZ for a few days on our way home to see my parents. Since my mom was sick for our oldest daughter's graduation, it has been a long time since we have seen them.  So we left Monday morning and enjoyed the four hour drive from Lake Havasu City to Mesa.  There were a lot of wild flowers in bloom, so it was really pretty!  

We had a nice dinner out with my parents on Monday night, and enjoyed a low-key day with them on Tuesday.  Steve and my dad had a chance to play a little pickleball, which my dad had never played before, so hopefully he enjoyed it enough to play again.  I was a little under the weather again, so we spent some time out on their back porch just enjoying the weather and picking citrus fruit to bring home.

My parents had purchased tickets to a show that they enjoy with their friends each year, so when we called to say that we would be coming for a short visit, they picked up a couple more tickets for us as well.  The show is called Bernie and Red, and is a musical comedy duo that travels around the country entertaining snowbirds. They are from Liverpool, England but currently reside in Canada. They recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and have spent their entire married life entertaining others.  They have 16 different shows that they perform in different places, throughout the year.  

We met up with my parent's friends at one of the manufactured home parks in Mesa where we would be watching the show.  I meant to get a picture of my parents and their friends, but just forgot.  Darn!  But here are a few pictures of the Bernie and Red Show.

Such a cute and talented couple!

We really enjoyed the show, and the company of my parent's and their friends.  They are all such great people, and I am so happy that my parents have found them.  The following morning Steve and I left to return to Denver.  The stay with my parents was much too short, but we have commitments in Denver on Thursday and Friday that we have to be home for.  

It was an easy drive with no weather issues, which is always a relief.  As we entered New Mexico from Arizona, we drove into a fog bank, which came and went through much of New Mexico.

Fog and freezing temperatures make for an icy wonderland

The Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque.  The fog had lifted for us, but was still hanging in the foothills
As we passed through Santa Fe, New Mexico, there was no fog, but there had been a snow storm the day before, so we got to see the beautiful aftermath from our car windows.

Quite a change from what we had been experiencing in Arizona!

We see a lot of wind turbine blades on the roads, but I'm always amazed at how big they are
And as we came back into Colorado, we are greeted by the Spanish Peaks once again!
We made a quick stop in Colorado Springs to see the progress of the house that our oldest daughter and her husband are having built. It has a long way to go, but we're making progress.

Now to get settled back in at home, and get ready for our next adventure!

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