Thursday, March 24, 2016

Geese at the Grocery Store (Monday, March 21st 2016)

A couple of geese had built their nest in some pots, right outside the door of our local grocery store. When the employees went to move the pots to bring in their spring stuff, they found the nest and rather than destroy it, they decided to move it.

So they got a swimming pool and filled it with straw and moved it over by the propane tanks, rather than right in front of the door. When the geese returned, they were very confused, looking for their nest where they had left it, we just happen to be at the store that day. We left the store hoping that they would eventually notice the swimming pool by the propane tanks. 

The original nest was on the small wall just behind the stop sign.  The new nest is by the gas price sign.
The next time we were at grocery store, we noticed the mama goose sitting on the nest, and the daddy goose out on the sidewalk chasing away anyone who tried to get near the nest. We love that the employees/management did this for the geese, and we love that the geese were able to find their nest.  

It is such a busy area, right in front of the grocery store, so part of me hopes that the geese will move on and lay their eggs somewhere else.  Only time will tell.

Happy spring to all!

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