Thursday, August 25, 2022

White Sands National Park, New Mexico


When we left the Gila Cliff Dwellings, White Sands National Park was our next stop.  These dunes cover 275 square miles and are the largest gypsum dune field in the world.  They are sparkling white, and truly incredible.  As you enter the park, the dunes are small, and covered in plants, but as you make your way deeper 8th the park the dunes get taller and the plants can only survive between the dunes.

If you look closely, you can see the ripples in the sand.

I stood out on the next dune to give some size perspective of this park.  It is huge!

It is truly a beautiful place!

There are several picnic areas, but I think it all has to be dug out after every wind storm.

We were lucky to be here on a cloudy day.  From what we hear, the white sand is so bright in the sun that it’s literally blinding.

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