Monday, August 22, 2022

A Summer of Blessings…North Carolina

After a quick stop back home, getting the car in for repairs, doing laundry and repacking, we were off to North Carolina.  Since all of crazy changes caused by Covid, flying is a hassle and just isn’t fun any more.  I’ve never loved it, but now I love it even less.  Our flight leaving Phoenix was delayed and not just a little bit, which was going to cause us to miss our connecting flight in Dallas.  They rebooked us, trying to get us there on time, but then that flight was delayed as well.  By this point, our original flight had been bumped back up, leaving us a few minutes to change gates in Dallas, so they put us back on that flight at the last minute.  There’s nothing like running from gate to gate, just hoping for a flight out. We had no idea where our luggage was at this point, but decided we would worry about that when we got to the other end.

When we got to Dallas, we ran to our new gate and boarded the plane for North Carolina with minutes to spare 😃.

When we arrived in North Carolina, we waited at baggage claim as all of the luggage for our flight came out, but no luggage.  Everyone was leaving the area, and still no bags.  As we were getting ready to go to baggage services, behold…three lonely bags came rolling down the conveyor belt.  They had somehow made the flight!  As we exited the terminal, our son (in-law) was waiting for us for our hour drive to their house.

Two days later, our daughter and son (in-law) headed for the hospital while we stayed home with our two year old grandson waiting for the birth of the new baby.  We did lots of fun field trip while everyone was away including a splash pad and the municipal airport which was a huge hit!

The delivery went well, but our new grandson wasn’t adjusting to the outside world very well and had to be admitted to the NICU for a few days while he figured things out.  And then he came home happy and healthy!

NC blessing number 1!

The first few weeks with everyone at home were a whirlwind.  We ended up with three cases of impetigo which started with the two year old, moved to the baby, then onto mom.  What an incredibly contagious bacterial infection!  It starts as one little spot and then just keeps spreading.  It’s tough to get under control!

Our poor kids were running to doctors appointments, the baby had to be readmitted to the hospital, and we were just there to help out wherever we could.  It was a terrible way to welcome our new grandson home, but we finally whipped it!  NC blessing number 2.

And once we got everyone healthy again, we had so much fun!  NC blessing number 3, so much great family time!

Grandpa time!

Cooking together.

Our big boy loves riding his bike…all the time!

This is what it’s all about, letting the new family have family time!

Puddles are the best!

Another day at the splash pad.

Their community pool is amazing!

A parade in Pinehurst, and our grandson was certain he was the star.

A baby sized brisket!

Reading time.


The municipal airport became one of our favorite picnic spots.

Dinner and a nice walk at the Pinehurst Country Club. 

This boy has crazy hair!

Swimming in the backyard.

North Carolina zoo.

Snack picnics in the back yard.

Helping dad grill.

This boy wants to be outside rain or shine.  His dad is a rock star!

Precious cuddles!

When we left to come home, two months after arriving, our new grandson had already grown and changed so much!  His little personality is already starting to shine.

It’s always so hard to come home after visiting either of our girls, but we know it’s time to give them their lives back, and time for us to get back into our own routines.  We can’t wait to see what’s in store for all of us!

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