Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Gila Cliff Dwellings, Western New Mexico

Our whole reason for being in this area was to visit the Gila Cliff Dwellings.  They were created by the Mogollon people in about 1280 A.D.  According to the rangers here, this is the only large cliff dwellings that you can still climb through and explore.  All of the others, like Mesa Verde only allow you to view them from the outside. So for a great cliff dwelling experience, this is worth the drive.

The trail up to the Cliff dwellings, is about a one mile loop, with some elevation change to get from the river up to the dwellings.  We thought it was a very easy and beautiful trail.

First you cross this bridge over the main river.

Then you navigate these fun little switchback bridges that go back and forth across Cliff Dweller Creek.  A natural spring at the top of the canyon provides a small, constant flow of water.

Before long, you start getting glimpses of the dwellings from the trail.

There is a ranger in the dwellings to provide information and answer questions, and let’s be truthful, to protect these amazing ruins.

There was one large room, which was left fairly open, and then the smaller caves were more developed.

We took our time exploring all of the rooms.

There are a few pictographs in the caves if you know where to look.

To leave the caves, you can go down this ladder, or you can go back to the entrance and walk around the edge.

The hike back down has less shade than the hike up, so it’s definitely the hotter route.

It was a beautiful hike, and some pretty awesome cliff dwellings to explore.  We always feel lucky that we can go on off days and off seasons to avoid the crowds.

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