Saturday, March 12, 2022

Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley NP

Today we will be exploring “Death Valley Proper”, and by that I mean everything in the actual valley, at around 200 feet below sea level.  Our first stop was Devils Golf Course.  This is one of the craziest places I have ever seen.  Because of its extremely low elevation, this entire valley has a series of underground rivers running through it, keeping it somewhat damp all of the time.  This particular portion of the valley is an ancient salt lake.  Although the lake is now dry, salt continues to be added by recurring floods that occasionally fill the lowest parts of the valley.  Wind and rain constantly change the salt formations in the valley.

This salt pan extends as far as you can see in all directions.

Steve and I were both really intrigued by this area, so we pulled out a snack, made ourselves a cup of coffee and stayed for awhile, just enjoying this crazy view.

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