Saturday, January 1, 2022

Wyoming Christmas

After leaving North Carolina, we had a day of rest in Denver, then we were off to Wyoming for Christmas number two!  Wyoming always gets us in the Christmas spirit with the chill in the air and usually snow on the ground, although there was very little this year, it is so dry!  Steve’s parents joined us for a day in Wyoming, before heading back home and leaving us there for a little more time.

No matter the weather, Wyoming is always outdoorsy and low key.  One of our first activities was antler shed hunting near our daughter and her fiancé’s house.  We didn’t have any luck, but it was a fun way to enjoy the grasslands and get some exercise.

We had a wonderful elk roast Christmas dinner.  Our daughter has a knack for cooking wild game meat and making it taste absolutely amazing!  Unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures of our fabulous meal, but none the less, it was a huge hit!

We enjoyed several gift exchanges as family members came and went from their house. It was so nice to get to see everyone, although our time together was much too short.

Our daughter’s fiancé is a pilot, and has been so busy lately that he hasn’t had time to let his plane stretch it’s wings, so one calm morning he took the plane out for a quick flight, and we met him out on a country road to see him fly.

We spent a little time at the newly opened Black Tooth Brewery in town.  It has by far the best small batch beer I have ever tasted, and the atmosphere is spot on.  Right now it is indoors only, but by summer they should have their outdoor space complete.  I can’t wait for that.

We also tried a Thai restaurant that was new to us, I think it was called Thai Bistro.  It was just a few blocks from the brewery, and was super good!  We’ll definitely be back there as well!

Most of our time was spent hanging out, cooking, doing small projects together and enjoying each other’s company.  It seems like winter in Wyoming is made for that

Before we knew it, the sun was setting on our Wyoming Christmas.  We had been watching the weather, and there were winter weather advisories coming up for the whole next week, so we found our weather window and headed south.  We would have to take the long route to avoid the storms, but were happy to do it, and just appreciated our time here so much!

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