Saturday, May 15, 2021

Time With Steve's Parents (May 2021)

We have Steve's parents here for a whole week, and we can't wait to enjoy every minute of it!

Our first big outing was a run down memory lane for them.  Steve's dad is an ASU Alumni (he got his Masters of Science degree when Steve was about five years old), so we took them to the ASU campus to see if they could remember any of it after all of these years.

Both of Steve's parents remembered the Grady Gammage Performing Arts building.

And they both remembered Old Main.

Steve's dad was able to pick out the old biology and physics buildings, but the rest of it had changed too much for them to recognize. We even went on a hunt for their old apartment building, but we don't think it's there any more.  We followed the streets, but couldn't find it.

There are several places we would love to take them but couldn't, either because of Covid, or the heat, so we spent the rest of our week spoiling them with food...

Showing them some of the natural beauty that is in our backyard.  Ok maybe a couple miles away! 

Going on walks, when it was cool enough...

And just enjoying the tranquility and beauty of our evening sunsets.

It was such a treat to have them here!  We hope they come back often!

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