Saturday, September 5, 2020

This is Life! (Friday, August 28th, 2020)

 Our great plan for today included the Narrows Brewery to pick up some craft beer, and the Fish Peddler in Tacoma to pick up some fish and chips for dinner.  That doesn't sound to difficult, does it?  But sometimes life throws a curve ball and we have to change our plans.

On our way to the brewery, we decided to stop at Chambers Bay for a stroll along the golf course, which didn't seem like a big deal, but it put the first notch in our happy baby window. So by the time we made it to the brewery to get our beer, the baby had lost it, wanted nothing to do with his car seat, and just wanted to play.  So we enjoyed some play time before continuing on to the Fish Peddler.  We ordered our food, and it was going to be about 40 minutes before we could pick it up.  Yikes! 

So we pulled out some beer, fed the baby, and picked blackberries while we waited. 

What started out as a very trying car trip turned out to be one of those family bonding moments that we will never forget.  By the river, we passed around samples of craft beer we had just picked up, played with a now happy baby,  and really enjoyed our 40 minute wait!  With everyone now happy, we even ate our seafood nacho appetizer in the car before heading back home to enjoy our dinner.

Sometimes, this is life!

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