Thursday, July 9, 2020

Phoenix, AZ to Beaver, UT (Monday, June 22nd, 2020)

After a few short weeks of getting settled into our new home, it's time to make some changes again.  Our new grandson has arrived, and we're so excited to head out to see them.  

Our poor kids have had change upon change while waiting for the arrival of their little boy.  Originally, they were supposed to be in South Carolina for his birth, but the Corona Virus pandemic postponed their moving plans several times.  Once they realized that they would still be in Washington for his birth, they started trying to figure out how they were going to get a new born from Washington to South Carolina without exposing him to the virus.  Life for them was getting so complicated!  They couldn't fly, they couldn't use hotel rooms, and yet, they had to move cross country with a new born.  That's where we were going to step in with the motorhome.  Together, we all came up with several plans for keeping them in a safe place while their furniture was in transit to South Carolina.  

Then in early June came the final change of plans.  Our son (in-law) was asked to stay in Washington for an extra six months.  This was the best news they had received in months.  They could have the baby in Washington, and wait an entire six months before they would have to move him!

 Having a baby in a pandemic is not ideal, family can't fly in, they can't stay in hotels along the way without the risk of being exposed to the virus before they get here.  So now, we were no longer needed for the move, but since we have a motorhome, we could still be a support system for them in the first few months, and of course, steal some baby snuggles!  So we are now on our way to Washington to see our kids and meet our grandson.

We decided to take three day to get from Phoenix, AZ to Lacey, WA.  So our first leg was from Phoenix to Beaver, UT.  As we were making the drive, Steve commented to me that he feels like he misses all of the sights along the way because driving the motor home takes so much attention.  So I decided that I would take pictures of the landscape so that he could enjoy "looking at where he has been" once we get there.  Pictures out the window are never great, but here is our day in a nutshell:

Page Arizona

Lake Powell

Glenn Canyon Dam

On the Utah side of Lake Powell, heading north

This is as close as we would get to Bryce Canyon National Park from the highway.

We made it to Camperland in Beaver, UT.  They had an interesting check-in process.  Everything was completely "do-it-yourself" without any in person contact at all.  Choose any open site, fill out the paperwork and put it and your money in the drop slot.  We never saw a single "worker" during our overnight stay, but the campground was really nice.  They had some spots with 50 amp, but I think most of those are taken by full time residents.  We had full hookups with 30 amp electrical.

1 comment:

  1. Mon and I stayed at that campground a couple of times on our way to the Huntsman World Senior Games. Was an easy drive on into St George that way.
