Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Tolmie State Park, WA (Thursday, July 2nd, 2020)

Tolmie State Park is a very small park designated for day use only.  The Discover Pass is required at this park.  We parked in the lower parking lot which is closest to the beach access and walked down.  As we got near the beach, we noticed a woman carrying up a huge bag of clams.  We thought it was interesting that she could clam in a state park, but didn't think any more of it.

After hanging on the beach for awhile, we made our way over the bridge that leads to the hiking trails.  There are two trails to choose from.  The four cedars trail and the sandy beach trail.  We chose the sandy beach trail that turned out to be quite short, but was fun none the less. 

It's always fun to watch the little crabs, especially since we don't live near the water.

It's a little hard to see this picture, but it is a maple tree that fell down a few years ago.  Now there are about 20 new trees growing from the trunk.  

Tolmie State Park, isn't big, but it still has a lot to offer.  As we made our way back to the parking lot, the sheriff was there, talking to the lady that had removed all of the clams from the beach.  Apparently, we were right...clamming isn't allow.  Now we know.

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