Tuesday, June 16, 2020

We're Getting Settled (Tuesday, June 16th, 2020)

The last month in the motorhome was getting pretty hot, with the temperatures reaching well over 100 degrees and us without full hookups.  Our brother and sister-in-law were wonderful to let us continue to stay at their place!  It was such a life saver!  

The superintendent of our housing development was also great about working with us, and even got us into our new home a week early.  There were still quite a few outstanding punch list items, but we have been working through those since we moved in.  We are looking forward to having our house to ourselves once all of the inside "touch-ups" are done, and we are getting so close!

Steve and I have also been doing a lot of work around the house ourselves, we cleaned paint splatters off about 2000 sq ft of floors and sealed the grout, back filled the dirt around our yard walls, cleaned up excess concrete from the walls, painted gates, dug a trench for an RV dump, and so many more little things.  The projects have been a great way to get some exercise since we can't go to the gym.

Speaking of not being able to go to the gym, I guess I should provide a Corona Virus update... All 50 states have started reopening in small steps.  Gyms, salons and restaurants are open again, but requiring 6 feet between people, so the number of people in any facility are limited.  Face masks are required in public in some states, but not in Arizona.  The reopening is going pretty well in some states, but not in Arizona.  Our new cases of the virus have surged, and are continuing to climb.  Steve and I are still continuing to just stay home.  I've been cutting Steve's hair for him, but I haven't had a hair cut since early March.  Yikes, it's time!  We even did a Costco delivery order for our last grocery shopping trip.  It was a bit more expensive than shopping at Costco ourselves, but the young lady that shopped for us was awesome, and called us with any questions as she was shopping.  She delivered right to our door with the kindest smile.

We're still trying to wrap our heads around moving during a pandemic.  This really isn't what we had in mind when we decided to move.  We've met all of our immediate neighbors (from six feet away), and they seem to be great people, but we can't invite anyone over to get to know them better, we just have to talk in the street.  We can't play golf, or go to the gym, or go shopping for all of the things we need for the new house. The blind manufacturers are on limited production schedules (to keep employees 6 feet apart), so we can't get the blinds we want for the house (so temporary blinds are perfect for now).   And most importantly, we moved here for the access to the airport, and for now we can't even fly, but someday we will be back to seeing family whenever we want, and maybe even exploring the world again.

Pandemics have been a part of our history, with the worst pandemic in my mind being polio.  But it was so long ago that very few people remember going through it, or even the lasting effects of it.  We get bored, and frustrated and even a little stir crazy at times, but in the end, for us, it hasn't been bad.  So many people have lost loved ones to this virus as well as their livelihood, and we just need to remember to be grateful for everything and everyone we have.  

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