Friday, May 8, 2020

It's Been a Month! (Tuesday, May 5th, 2020)

It has been a month since we last grocery shopped, and the motor home cupboards are bare.  

It's getting really hard to come up with meals, but we are getting so close to closing on our new house, and I refuse to move a bunch of food.  So for now we will just make do.  Tonight we are having fried rice with a couple of those eggs that you see and some canned green beans.  I know, sounds a bit weird, but it will be OK.  

I have learned something during this pandemic, and that is, if you are only shopping once a month, buy roma tomatoes.  If you put them in the refrigerator they will last a month.  When you're ready to use them, put them out on the counter and let them ripen for a few days and they will look like the ones on the left.    The ones on the right were just laid out.  So impressive. This picture was taken a few days ago, and these tomatoes are now gone, but I was so impressed with how long they lasted.

I never had much appreciation to roma tomatoes before, but now I am a believer!  We have also been living on onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and sweet potatoes which also last really well as long as they are refrigerated.

Hopefully the house will be done soon, not only so we can get out of the heat of the motor home, but also so we'll have lots of projects to keep us busy.  We are so ready to have some projects!

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