Sunday, December 2, 2018

Wikieup Ride From Challenger (Saturday, December 1st, 2018)

It was a very cool, crisp morning as we headed out for our ride to the little town of Wikieup.  "Winter" is finally here, and this will be our longest one day ride for 2018, so some clothing preparation was a necessity!

We left the house at about 7:15 this morning, before the sun had risen, and made our way through town to Challenger Wash on the south side of town where our ride would begin.  We were happy to have our helmets to keep our heads warm, and our toasty winter gloves.  I even had a blanket for my lap, and a scarf for my neck because when you are in a completely open car, the wind gets very cold, very fast!

I didn't take any pictures as we headed out, because it was just too cold to take my gloves off in the wind.  I know, I have become very wimpy since moving to Arizona.  But that OK!  

We made our way out of Challenger Wash, through Mohave Wash, and into Standard Wash, where they were holding the Desert Bash Poker Run.  We drove along several miles of the Desert Bash race track, just hoping we wouldn't come across any of the racers (which we didn't), and then made our way over to Alamo Road.  We drove down Alamo Road for several miles.  Then we got on Boriana Road then finally making our way toward the Hualapai Mountains where we would cross over into Wikieup.

The Hualapais were definitely the most beautiful part of our ride, and by the time we were getting close to them it was finally warming up enough to take my gloves off and take a few pictures.  The sun was still low in the sky, making for some beautiful shadows.

Unfortunately, the low sun and shadows also made it a bit harder to see as we drove, but once we were up in the Hualapais, the trails were nice and moist, and there was no dust to look through.  No more summer smoke from the California wildfires either.  Just a beautiful, crystal clear day!

There were seven cars in our group on the way to Wikieup.  Sam and Sharyn were the ride leaders, and Steve and I were the tail gunners.  Usually tail gunning means eating a LOT of dust, but not today!  This is perfect!

At about 12:00 we dropped down out of the Hualapais and hit the main road leading into Wikieup.

We stopped at the Wikieup Trading Post for lunch and gas. 

We were the second group to arrive, and they put us in our own little area of the restaurant, which was nice.  By the time the final groups showed up, our area was full, and the others were being seated out in the main restaurant area.

Were still wearing part of our winter gear, because we are chilled to the bone!

We all had burgers, which were pretty good.  Their battered fries are crispy, crunchy, and really delicious!

 What they are really famous for is their deep dish pie.  We haven't had it, but all of our friends have and they say it is amazing, so we'll have to come back to Wikieup for pie some time.

The trip to Wickiup was 104.9 miles, but we are taking a different route back home.  We would cut across to Alamo Road instead of going through the Hualalais, so the ride back home won't be as scenic, but it will be a lot shorter.

While we were in the restaurant, it clouded up a lot, so now we are hoping to get back home without any rain.  Fingers crossed!

We didn't encounter any rain, and as we approached Havasu, the sun was starting to sink low in the sky again, and the dry dust was flying.  

Our total ride ended up being just short of 165 miles.  It really didn't seem that long, especially after it warmed up at bit.  Since we ride with full face helmets, we don't have a windshield.  And without a windshield, it can get pretty cold!

 The orange line is the path we took today. The town of Wikieup is on the far right where the track almost goes off the screen. 

I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive about this ride because it was such a long one, but I ended up really enjoying it.  It offered a little bit of everything!  

We rode on dirt roads, trails, sand, rocks, mud and even a short stretch on a paved road.  It was such a fun day, with a great group of people!  That is what we love about riding with the Havasu side by side club!  We have made so many friends through this club and continue to discover great new rides all the time!

After going home for a quick shower, we made our way back to Sam and Sharyn's house for a wonderful soak in their hot tub.  Ah, it felt so good!  It took the chill off and warmed us up from the outside, in.  We really needed that!

When we were finally warm we headed out for some yummy Mexican food before calling it a night.  What a great day with great friends!

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