Friday, December 21, 2018

Pepper Thief (Tuesday, December 18th, 2018)

Life has been a little bit crazy since getting back from Mexico, but we are finally getting back to normal and getting caught up on all of the day to day things.  

One of the first things I did when we got home the first of November was to plant my winter container garden for this year.  It has now been growing for about six weeks and is doing really well.

The tomatoes are happy and are starting to produce tomatoes already.

One of my jalapenos is doing great!  It's starting to get some tiny peppers on it.

The other jalapeno plant had a visitor last night, and not only did the visitor help itself to a pepper, it helped itself to the entire plant!

Yep, that's all that is left, and I'm not happy.  😡 

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