Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas in Colorado (Saturday, December 24th, 2016)

The torch was passed this year for the first time, to the next generation.  Our oldest daughter and her husband hosted Christmas Eve dinner at their house and started the formation of some new traditions for the family.

We have always had a nativity under the Christmas tree at our house, but the new tradition is a kitty under the tree.  I like it!

We started out with the family gift exchange, which is always a lot of fun.

The longest running tradition is the reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.  It started when our nephew (he's the oldest) was five months old, and has continued through the years; every year! We have now added our son (in-law), our nephews girl friend and our youngest daughter's boyfriend.  Our niece was on the phone since she couldn't be here in person this year.

Then we enjoyed a fabulous dinner of soup and sliders.  Oh my.... what a treat!

Some of the family had to leave to attend other events, but Steve and I had been invited to stay the night, so we had the opportunity to attend the Christmas Eve candle light service with our oldest daughter and her husband.  They usually attend services at a small satellite church near their house, but for Christmas, all of the services are held in the main church.  We have never attended a service at a mega church before, so this was new to us and a lot of fun.  The church was huge and had a lot to offer.

It was a really nice service, with pastors from all of the locations participating and making the service very special.

Once the candles were lit, it was a beautiful sight!

After the Christmas Eve service was over, we headed back to their house for a nice quiet evening, hanging out with the kids and our grand kitty.  

When we awoke the next morning, Santa had come and our grand kitty (recently neutered) must have been a good boy because his stocking was full of treats.

The passing of the torch this year was a big milestone for our family.  All of the kids are growing up and starting their own lives. It is a very mixed blessing, knowing that they are all doing well, but also realizing that life is changing and so are traditions!

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