Friday, April 8, 2016

Tybee Island, Savannah Georgia (Monday, April 4th, 2016)

We got up this morning with the idea that we would really like to see Tybee Island (off the coast of Savannah) before we leave this beautiful state.  So we showered early, packed our bags, and were out of the room by 7:30.  We ran to McDonalds and bought a couple of coffees.  They had a walk-up window that we thought was really cute, and there was even a guy using it.  

The walk-up window from the inside.  Looks just like a drive up window.
Then we walked over to Pie Society, which we saw yesterday, and bought a six-inch ham and mushroom quiche and jumped in the car and headed east.

Some savory breakfast treats at Pie Society

Some sweet treats at Pie Society
It is only about a half hour drive from Savannah to Tybee Island, so we thought it would definitely be worth doing.

There is a really cute town on Tybee Island, and a beautiful beach, so we spent as much time as we could, before having to head to Atlanta to catch our flight.  

Our yummy breakfast from Pie society

And our wonderful breakfast spot.  This beats eating inside any day!

Our breakfast view

The end of the pier

The seagull is having some breakfast too.  A jellyfish that washed up on the shore

For our youngest daughter who loves to capture her vacations in the sand

Part of a sand dollar.  We couldn't find a whole one

Another washed up jelly fish.  They are so interesting looking.

The pavillion on the pier, complete with vendors and clean restrooms

Looking from the pavilion out toward the end of the pier
They are currently filming the new Bay Watch movie on Tybee Island, so there were a lot of movie props on the beach.  It was really fun to see it all, and try to imagine what the movie will be like.  Most of the props we saw were a life guard training station. From what we heard, when they are filming they close off this entire part of the beach, so we were lucky to get to see this.

They had even changed out the signs on the pier for the movie

Also part of the props
We also enjoyed the views of this quaint little beach town.

Bad picture from the car window, but this place was hillarious!
Leaving Tybee Island, and the drive back to Atlanta was relaxing and beautiful....

Until we got close to the Atlanta Airport that is.....  This is the route our GPS was showing us to get back to the rental car building.  I don't think it would be a good idea to make a wrong turn at this point.  Luckily we were in the outside lane.

When we got on our flight, we heard the girl in front of us talking about Ranger School graduation, so we jumped into the conversation.  When she turned around to talk to us, we realized that she had been sitting right behind us at the graduation ceremony.  She had a huge allergy attack while we were waiting for graduation to start, so Steve had run back to the rental car to get some allergy medicine for her.  We started talking to her a little more, and realized that her fiance was in the same squad as our son (in-law) in Ranger school.  She was heading back to Reno, so it was quite a coincidence that we were on the same flight.

Our daughter was at the airport to pick us up.  We all had a nice ride home talking about how fun the trip had been.   

We really enjoyed our trip to Georgia.   Definitely the highlight was our son (in-law's) graduation from Ranger school, but we are so happy that we took the time to explore some of what Georgia has to offer.  It is a beautiful state with a lot of really nice people!  They were all so warm and welcoming, which added to the enjoyment of the overall experience.

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