Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Parker Strip (Sunday, September 20th, 2015)

The town of Parker, Arizona is south of Lake Havasu City on highway 95.  It is a small town, known mostly for the Colorado River and the entertainment that it provides.  

A few miles north of the actual town of Parker is an area on the river known as the Parker Strip.  There are quite a few bars on the Strip.  They can all be accessed by car, or by river.  Our favorite of the bars is called the Sundance.  The inside bar is well air conditioned, or if the weather is cooler, they have a ton of outdoor space on floating docks.

The entrance to the Sundance Saloon

The large outdoor floating dock.  The bridge in the foreground allows jet ski's to park in the protection of the floating dock.

Another outdoor seating area at the Sundance Saloon.  Nothing fancy, but shady with a great view of the river.

View up the river from the dock in the previous picture

View from the floating dock, back to the restaurant/bar

Our yummy lunch at Sundance Saloon, carne asada nachos for $7.50, and beers were $3.00.
Down the road from the Sundance Saloon is Fox's.  It is our friends Alan and Linda's favorite place on the Strip.  It is probably the most popular of all the bars on the Strip.

The entrance to Fox's is the hull of a flat bottom boat that used to belong to our friend Alan

The floating bar off to the left, and some of the boat docks at Fox's

A view of Fox's from up above

Look at the faces on the trees at Fox's

The next stop on the Parker Strip is the Road Runner.  It is another floating bar, and has the best graphics of all of the Parker Strip bars.

The sign on the road

Entrance to Road Runner

A sample of their cute graphics

View of the Colorado River from Road Runner

View of the Road Runner floating bar

The boat docks at Road Runners

Another view from Road Runners

Road Runner is crowded today

And the last, and definitely the nicest of the Parker Strip bars is the Thirsty Pirate.  It is more of a riverside bar with some seating on their floating dock.  Another fun option if you're on the Colorado River below the Parker Dam.

Another fun riverside bar and restaurant

Entrance to the Thirsty Pirate

And there are beautiful views of the river from everywhere on the Parker Strip, and unlike Lake Havasu City, you can build your house right on the river here.

There are houses everywhere on the Colorado River below the Parker Dam
We had a very fun day visiting all the various bars along the Strip and talking with lots of nice people.  Many were from the area with others coming from all over the United States.  Something we like to do once in a while if we don't have other plans or people are visiting us who have nec=ver seen the area.

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