Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Fun In Florida

We tried to visit Steve’s cousin at their new home in Florida last fall, but life got crazy and we had to cancel.  So we’ve been trying since then to get out there for a visit.  Last weekend we finally made it, and what a time we had!

They picked us up at the Orlando airport and it was a dark ride back to their house, so we didn’t get to see much, but the conversation was great and we knew we’d get to look around later.  Their new house and yard are absolutely gorgeous, with perfect hangout areas, no matter what the weather brings.

Our first day was a pool day, with so much time to just talk and catch up.  They are the only house in their neighborhood with a pool, and they even have the bird cage structure to make sure the  mosquitoes stay away.  It is such a comfortable area!

Saturday we headed to the nearby town of Winter Garden where we planned on hitting the farmer’s market for some fresh produce and bread, but when we got there, not only did we get to enjoy the farmer’s market, but there was also a festival going on, with great live music.

Our final stop was the Crooked Can brewery where we found a table and enjoyed some local craft beers.

Saturday night we got to spend some time with one of their twins who lives nearby.  She works at Disney World, and just completed her masters and is excited to see what life has in store for her.  It was so much fun seeing her.  We had a great Cioppino dinner, flown in frozen from Phil’s Fish Market in Monterrey, California.  What a fantastic Christmas gift from her parents, and they were nice enough to share it with us.  We also enjoyed our find at the farmers market, a beautiful, fresh salad and Asiago bread for some great cioppino dipping.

Our final day with them started out bright and early with a 7:00 tee time at the Southern Dunes Golf Resort.  They always talk about the sand hill cranes, and we finally got to see one up close at the golf course.  This was a juvenile.

The golf course was beautiful!  It was challenging, but also very playable. I didn’t lose a single ball.

This course had a lot of sand, but this hole was extra special.

We had an amazing time catching up, seeing their area of Florida and just relaxing!  Thank you guys so much for your incredible hospitality!

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