Friday, January 6, 2023

Christmas In Wyoming

There is no better way to celebrate Christmas and bring a close to a year than to celebrate with family.  The joy of being around our children and grandchildren is the greatest joy!

We spent a lot of cozy time indoors, because it was beyond cold outdoors.

I had the honor of accompanying our youngest daughter, as we served Christmas dinner at the Wyoming Rescue mission.

Of course, there was some sledding fun once it warmed up a few degrees.

Keep watching, there was a lot of black and white flannel this year.

This is the first time we had most of the family Christmas stockings together all at once.  There were three missing from this picture, but the rest were here.

Our grandson got to sit in his uncle’s airplane for the first time.

We had fun swimming at the hotel.  A great way to spend a -19 degree day.

The wonderful woman at the hotel checkin was kind enough to take a family photo for us.

More black and white flannel.

We also had fun at the local elementary school.

So many swallow nests.

Snacks in the car after a few cold hours of playing at the school.

Wild turkeys crossing the road.

After all of our fun times together, all of us girls got to go wedding dress shopping, and She Said Yes to a dress!

Then our final family gathering with Steve’s brother, our sister-in-law, nephew and niece-in-law.

Our final snowstorm of the trip.  

A beautiful trip home!

And a welcome home sunset!

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