Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Kierland Westin, Day 9 - Summer of Golf

We played the beautiful Westin Kierland golf course today in Scottsdale. We’re loving our weekday golfing, it’s not crowded, so the game moves right along.  We can typically play 18 holes in 3 to 3 1/2 hours, which is perfect!  We used our Troon 2 for 1 on this course, so it cost us $20.50 a piece, including tax.  Such a bargain!

This was a beautiful course, and it was in great shape for summer!  It wound around through a few condos, and it looks like even more are being built as we speak.  There was no GPS on their carts, but there were ice chests, and that is the most important thing for summer golf.  We followed another twosome the whole day, but the pace was perfect for us.  

They have three 9 hole courses at Kierland, and you don’t get to pick which ones you will play.  Ironwood was closed today, so we played our first nine on Mesquite and our second nine on Acacia.  We really liked both courses.  The beverage cart was a bit expensive…a can of pop was $4.  Usually you at least get a 20 oz bottle for that price, but no big deal, it was refreshing at about hole 14.  Also, there is a lot of sand on this course.  I used to hate sand, but I’m actually starting to figure it out 😃.  Neither of us had a stellar day, score wise, but mental health wise it was everything we could ask for… relaxing, green, lots of fresh air and just all around beautiful!

Apparently I decided it was a nice beach day.  I spent a lot of time in the sand.

Which way to go… that’s a lot of sand!

It was a hot day for golf, but certainly not unbearable now that the monsoon humidity is finally starting to go away. It’s so nice to be able to play again, and today’s course made it all the better!

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