Sunday, August 22, 2021

Family Time, North Carolina

I haven’t provided any COVID-19 updates lately, because I thought we were through the worst of it. But unfortunately, I was wrong. I assumed that with the availability of vaccines, that we would see a huge decrease in the number of cases, and that was true for awhile.  But unfortunately, we are now seeing new variants of the virus emerging, the current concern being the Delta variant.  The vaccine is not yet available for people under 12, so keeping kids safe is my greatest concern.  

When we planned our trip to North Carolina to see our son (in-law), daughter and grandson, COVID cases were down, so we booked flights and got excited about our trip, but between then and now, things have changed. Cases are up again, and especially among young people, so we’re really not looking forward to flying.

As our kids were in the middle of their move from South Carolina to North Carolina, they had a case of COVID in their daycare, so their daycare had to close down for two weeks, while they tried to move and work full time.  It was tough, but they made it through.

As they were getting settled in North Carolina, their son was in daycare for 3 days, and their new daycare had a case of COVID and it had to shut down for two weeks, while our kids tried to get settled into their new home, and work full time.  It has been a tough month for them!

They handled the first week of new daycare shut-down on their own, but luckily, we have tickets to fly out and can be their daycare while we are there!  What great timing!  

Our grandson loves being outside, so we have done our best to keep him happy.

When we would get too hot outside, we would sit inside and look outside 😃.  We would watch the big trucks working in the cul-de-sac across the street.  He loves big trucks!

He kicked his animal friends out of their swimming pool.

Helping grandpa with move-in projects.


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