Friday, July 23, 2021

Wildlife Day at Boyce Thompson Arboretum

We have had such unusual summer weather this year that it is really starting to affect our Summer of Golf.  Ever since the monsoons came through a few weeks ago, we have had a lot of rain, and when it’s not raining, it’s so humid that there’s no way we could make it through 18 holes of golf in the 100 degree heat.  So we’ve been trying to find other ways to keep ourselves entertained.  It’s raining all over the Phoenix valley today, so we called the Boyce Thompson Arboretum to see how the weather was up there.  They said it’s beautiful, so we headed up there for some outdoor time.  Every time we go up there, it is like seeing it for the first time.  No two trips are ever alike. Today, because it was so quiet, all of the wildlife was out.

We also saw a bat, which is so unusual during the day.  And of course, just seeing the beauty of the park was so refreshing!

It was such a fun morning seeing all of the plants and wildlife in 72 degree temps, but now we must return to the rain in the city!

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