Thursday, July 29, 2021

Whirlwind at Wild Horse Pass, Day 7 - Summer of Golf

The rains have finally subsided, and it’s time to play golf again!  Whirlwind Golf Club has two courses, Cattail was closed, so we played Devils Claw.  It wasn’t a hard course, but it wasn’t an easy course either.  It was somewhat spread out, and in great shape!  I think the monsoons have been great for all of the golf courses.  We used our Troon 2 for 1, and it was $50 total, tax included, which was a great deal, but we both think that $50 per person is a lot for this course during the summer.  When we started playing at 11:00, it was overcast and super comfortable, but by the time we finished, the clouds were gone, and it was getting toasty.  Most of the holes had tee boxes that you had to hit over the desert to get to the fairway, but once you were on the fairway, they were pretty forgiving with only a few bunkers per hole.  The mosquitos were ferocious today, thanks to the monsoons, so I think we need to carry mosquito spray from now on.

Steve played the best golf of his life, playing better than bogie golf!  I’m so proud of him!  Golf isn’t an easy game, but it sure is fun, and if I keep practicing hopefully I can do as well as he did some day!

The Gila River Indian Reservation is in the process of building, or adding onto a hotel for the casino. It is coming along nicely!

We enjoyed playing this course today, but aren’t sure it was worth the full $50 per person rate that they are asking. 

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