Thursday, April 1, 2021

What Will Life Look Like? (March, 2021)

The Corona Virus pandemic has been going for over a year now, and we are all ready for it to be over!  Vaccines from several different manufacturers have been available for about 2 months now, and are being administered in record time.  Since the vaccines were approved for emergency use, there are still a lot of unknowns about all of them, and of course, some skepticism and resistance to getting them.  The goal is to reach herd immunity, which will require about 75% of the population being vaccinated or have caught the virus, but as the virus continues to spread, new variants are emerging as the virus mutates.  This brings a whole new realm of unknowns.

Steve and I talk a lot about how this past year has changed us.  We were very social people before all of this started, but since we have been (for the most part) isolated for the last year, we have kind of forgotten how to be social.  I think we've become hermits...ouch!

We have been very lucky to have major indoor and outdoor projects to keep us home and keep us busy, so that has truly been a blessing.  But the projects are coming to an end, and hopefully so is the pandemic.

What will life look like at this time in 2022?  We have no idea, but we hope it brings back real hair cuts, restaurants, travel and most importantly as much time as we want with family and friends!

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