Thursday, April 1, 2021

Virtual Workouts (March, 2021)

One of the things I have really missed over the past year is going to the gym.  I really enjoy the social time and was hoping to meet some new people at the gym after we moved.  But instead, we have set up a gym in our house, and I have been doing online workouts for the past year. 

To break up the monotony, our daughters suggested that we all workout together via an online meeting, so several times per week we pick a time and a workout, and give each other the support we would get if we had an in-person instructor.

I can't tell you how much fun I have been having working out with our girls.  And every once in a while, we have the boys join us for a quick happy hour when we are finished.  Such a fun way to connect and get a good workout in too!

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