Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Mt. Lemmon, Tucson, AZ (Saturday, February 13th, 2021)

When in Tucson, a visit to Mt. Lemmon should definitely be on your bucket list.  There are several diverse micro climates as you make your way up the mountain, starting in a saguaro forest, and ending in snow and a pine forest.  It is some really beautiful country.

As you make your way up the mountain it becomes very rocky.  

Overlooking a large burn area.

At the end of the road is Ski Valley.  We didn't realize that there was a ski resort in Tucson.  It wasn't open for skiing today because of a lack of snow, but the lift was running and the restaurant was open for business.

It was really windy at the top, so the 37 degrees on our dash felt pretty brisk.

Heading back down we enjoyed the same views from a different perspective.

Some little waterfalls running in the canyon.

Back at the bottom, it is a very comfortable 70 degrees.  It is only about 30 miles from the bottom to the top of Mt. Lemmon, but the 6000 foot altitude change really impacts the temperature.

1 comment:

  1. Mom and I haven't done that one yet but it's on our bucket list. Thanks for reminding us it's there.
