Tuesday, February 16, 2021

El Guero Canelo, Tucson, AZ (Saturday, February 13th, 2021)

 It has been a full year now, and the Covid-19 pandemic continues.  So we continue to spend a lot of time at home and continue to enjoy projects when they are available to help us pass the time.  We haven't had many projects lately, so we decided to take a road trip.

Tucson is only about 1.5 hours from our house, so after a morning grocery pickup, we hit the road.  We were hungry by the time we got to Tucson, so we started looking for a mexican restaurant with a drive through.  First of all, I have to say that Tucson seems to be a hub for little Mexican restaurants, so we felt like we were in the right town.  We found a little place called El Guero Canelo, and the item on their menu that really struck us was their carne asada torta, so we both got one.  This picture is half of my torta.  This is the half that I wasn't able to finish.  It was so good that we don't want to forget this little restaurant.

This little place was definitely worth the stop.  We'll be back.

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