Friday, October 25, 2019

Around the Mountain Ride (Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019)

Our first RZR ride of the year, with Steve and I together, and we're riding around the mountain behind the city of Lake Havasu.  Our ride started off on Bison, and ended ended at Challenger Wash.

It was a little too hot for riding today, with temperatures in the low 90's, but it was still a really fun ride.  The scenery was beautiful,

and the ocotillo's were bright green!

As we made our way around the back side of the mountain, we encountered our only real problem of the trip, and luckily it was a little one.  A flat tire.  Not our our car, but everyone chips in to help get it changed, none the less.

The "jack" RZR needed a little bit of help supporting the weight.

Oh yeah, it's definitely flat!

Back on the road, and back to the beautiful scenery!

What a great ride!  A little bit of everything including some fun rocks near the end.

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