Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Birthday Boating (Tuesday, May 14th, 2019)

It our friend Alan's birthday, and he loves boating, so the four of us went out on the lake today to celebrate Alan!  We took their boat, and headed up the river.  It was a gorgeous day!

The river was high today, but we found a beautiful little sandy spot to park and enjoy the river.

A young male duck came visiting, and was really comfortable with us, so he took a nap most of the time we were there.

Our next stop was the Topock Marina for some lunch and a birthday drink.

Then back down the river where we decided to explore a few less traveled areas.  I don't really recommend it though, we had to hand walk Alan's boat through a lot of goo, and the view was about the same from the inside as the outside.

All in all, we had a terrific day!  The river was quiet and beautiful, the weather was perfect, and the water is warming up nicely.  It was a fun day, just getting back to nature and enjoying time with good friends.  We heard burros and bull frogs, and saw a muskrat swimming along the shore.

As we approached the boat ramp, this mama duck was swimming by with her 15 babies.  

Unfortunately, we scared them, and they scattered in all directions.  We ended up shutting off the boat and letting them all re-group.  It took awhile, but they finally all found their way back to their mom, and out of the way of the boat ramp.

When we got home, this is what our outdoor thermometer on the cool side of the house said, and this was at 7:10 at night.  It felt like a warm day, but we didn't realize it was this warm.

Happy Birthday Alan, we hope your birthday was everything you wished for!

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