Monday, February 25, 2019

Ride to the Desert Bar (Saturday, February 23rd, 2019)

Another fun day at the Desert Bar!

We're getting to head out on our club ride to the Desert Bar.  Sam and Don will lead, and we were tail gunners.  Today's ride will had 15 cars.

A quick break on the way.

The wild flowers are starting to bloom.  Beautiful desert lupine.

We met a group of jeeps along the trail.  They came to a hill that they seemed a bit concerned to go over,  so we had to show them the way, and leave them in our dust.

I shot this behind us.  I guess they decided that if we could do it, they could do it.  It wasn't even a very steep one!

Part of our line up at the Desert Bar.

Ordering some Niko's for lunch.

After lunch, we headed up stairs to enjoy the band for awhile. We eventually got talked into dancing!   I love it when I give my friends my stuff to watch and they take pictures on my camera for me!

Check out the people on the hill behind me.  

Time to head back to camp.

It doesn't take long for the dust to start coming back after the rain.

Traffic jam!

Back at camp, enjoying some down time before dinner.

A great dinner with good friends.  What a great day, and a great way to spend the evening!

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