Friday, November 27, 2015

Thailand - Flight from Los Angeles to Denver (Tuesday, November 17th, 2015)

We had a great time talking to our youngest daughter last night. We have communicated with both of our girls and our parents throughout the trip via wifi texting and face time, but it was great to finally have time to really talk to her on the normal telephone.

We took time to use the hot tub at the Holiday Inn Express in Los Angeles, and try to get ourselves very relaxed, and then we poured our tired bodies into bed.  We couldn't figure out how we could be so tired after sleeping so much on the plane, but we were able to sleep through the night, and didn't wake up until 5:00 this morning.

We enjoyed a nice complimentary breakfast the next morning, and still had some spare time before we needed to be at the airport, so we took a really nice walk through one of the neighborhoods by our hotel.  So many beautiful plants grow in California that don't grow in Colorado.  It makes we a little envious since I love to garden!  

We finally caught our shuttle and headed to the airport with hope in our hearts that our flight wouldn't be delayed or cancelled once we got there.  Our prayers were answered, and we took off on time. The flight went very smoothly and as we got over Colorado, we could see the beautiful snow that mother nature had dropped the night before.

Snow on the ground in Denver as we approached for landing!

More snow!
When we landed we picked up our luggage and headed out to catch our shuttle.  It was a little cold since I really had not brought any Colorado appropriate shoes, but we did just fine.  

Our car in the parking lot near the airport! 

I wasn't very prepared for the snow!

A front view of our car in the fun!  A little clearing and scraping required!
It took us a few minutes to clear the snow from the car and get on our way to our home.  We had to laugh about the welcome home present God had given us!

What a Great, Wonderful, Fantastic adventure we have had for the last three-weeks!  Now back to shoveling!

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