Sunday, October 4, 2015

Getting to Colorado (Wednesday, September 30th, 2015)

We traveled back to Colorado so I could get some work done, and of course to see everyone!  Even though Steve is retired, I'm still working part-time, and that means being flexible with our location. 

So we made the 2 1/2 hour drive to Las Vegas to catch a flight on Southwest Airlines.  We have been flying on Southwest for as long as I can remember, so we have built up a lot of points with them, and luckily for us, this trip was booked completely on points for both of us.   

We planned to get to Las Vegas early so we could have time for a trip to Costco and a quick lunch before heading to the economy lot. 

There isn't a Costco in Lake Havasu City, so everyone goes to either Las Vegas or Phoenix for their big shopping trips.  We had never visited the Costco in Las Vegas, so we stopped on our way into town in the suburb of Henderson.  It was a zoo!  It is one of the most heavily used Costcos we have ever been to.  It took us quite awhile to find a parking spot, and then the store was just as crowded.  There was also a line of about 10 cars per lane waiting to fill up with gas, which we learned was about $.35 per gallon cheaper than the other gas stations in town!

We also wanted to find something new and healthy for lunch.  As we were driving down Tropicana Boulevard on the way to the airport, Steve looked over and saw a cute little restaurant called El Fish Taco.  So we turned around and headed back to see what they had.  

We were very pleasantly surprised.  They had a nice selection on their menu, and the service was great.  Our server brought out a courtesy sample of one of their soups for us to try, and then we each ordered their lunch special which was any two tacos (except for lobster) and a drink for $4.99.  So we each had a fish taco and a shrimp taco and a horchata (a rice and cinnamon drink).  It was very good!  The owner came over and talked to us when we had finished our tacos, and said that they had been open for two months.  

Cute new restaurant in Las Vegas, on Tropicana Boulevard

After lunch we still had a few minutes, so we walked over to a Mercado, called Marketon, that was in the same parking lot.  They had so much nice looking produce, but one thing really caught our eye.  When we were in Puerto Rico about a year ago, a guide that we hired at Cuava De Indio introduced us to these little fruits that he called sea grapes.  They are tiny little fruit that you peel and then suck on until the seed is clean.  There isn't much meat on them, but they are pretty fun and tasty.  And to our amazement, they were selling them at the Mercado.  

Sea Grapes, you sure can't find these just anywhere in Las Vegas

Then off to the airport we went.  As we were sitting in traffic, a jumbo jet flew right over the UCLA stadium, and looked like it was going to land on it.  And then a few minutes later a smaller jet flew over the road we were on.

Not as big as the first one we saw, but still fun to see while sitting in traffic

The flight from Las Vegas to Denver usually takes just under 2 hours, but this time we made it in 1 hour 35 minutes.  Our oldest daughter was waiting for us at the airport.  What a great day and easy way to get home! 

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